Spin-Stabilized Levitron Products – Lorne

Levitation Arts’ From-Below Electromagnetic Levitation technology is trademarked Levitron®, and is currently protected by two US Patents, with additional patents issued or pending in over thirty countries. This body of IP currently includes every known commercial manifestation of From-Below Electromagnetic Levitation technology.

The (R)evolution of From-Below Electromagnetic Levitation
and Levitation Arts’ Developments and Patents

founder electromagnetic levitation technology lorne whitehead university british columbia


Dr. Lorne Whitehead starts work on
From-Below Electromagnetic Levitation

university british columbia first levitation patentent antigravity invention dr lorne whitehead levitations arts history


Whitehead files first patent application through the University of British Columbia (UBC)

original patent electromagnetic levitation technology lorne whitehead levitation arts atigravity


First patent issued – US5,168,183



Levitation Arts licenses all Intellectual Property for The Technology from Whitehead

patent drawing electromagnetic levitation technology levitation arts antigravity floating device



Additional US and International From-Below Electromagnetic Levitation patents filed

levitation arts logo floating antigravity technology patent holder cool new tech gadgets magnetic flying pig gif


Levitation Arts purchases all From-Below Electromagnetic Levitation IP from UBC



Additional US and International Patents pending and issued to Levitation Arts


For information about licensing electromagnetic levitation technology from Levitation Arts, contact [email protected]

Click here for info on levitation products using “anti-gravity” technology for personal and commercial use >>
